Did the writers even read the book?!
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is NOTHING like the book. I'm pretty sure if the characters had different names, and the title was different I wouldn't have realized it was made after the book. There was NO backstory on Gretchen and Abby's friendship, you had no idea what their bond was like. It felt like a year long friendship, not a lifetime friendship. The ENTIRE story is based on their deep bond and amazing friendship, so why would they skim over that so thoughtlessly?!

And holy crap that final fight scene was laughable. It was SO intense in the book, but in the movie it was like a 90 second fight scene with Gollum.

The only thing this movie brought to life from the book is the Lemon Brothers. The actress who played Abby was awful. She did nothing for her character. Thank god the actress who played Gretchen nailed it.

This is one of my favorite books and I feel like I was slapped in the face after watching this movie. I was ecstatic when I heard it was becoming a movie, but now I wish I never watched it. The film makers did Grady dirty.
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