After.Life (2009)
Is she dead?
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying this was an extremely bad movie. One of the worst I've seen. Further, its so bad, it seems most reviewers didn't even get the point of the movie. The idea of the movie is to make us question what is real, to get inside our head, to make us think one thing, then another, and keep us guessing right until the end what the truth is.

Let me clear it up for you - the main character, Anna, is alive right until the end of the movie, The mortician/funeral director is a serial killer who sees living people around him as 'dead' and his mission is to help them 'transition' to the after life.

Anna being alive through the movie (and kept drugged out of her mind by the killer) and buried alive at the end is the only thing that makes the movie even remotely logically consistent. If she is dead - then how does she interact with the physical world? How/why does the mortician inject her right before her mom shows up to view the body? Why/how would a drug circulate through her system? Why would her fiancé notice signs of life when she was in the coffin. Why wouldn't the mortician present some more convincing evidence of her death other than the 'evidence' of a death certificate?

Now comes the f-ed up part, her fiancé notices she's alive, but rather than say anything, prove it to others etc, he ignores it and lets them bury her alive, then gets drunk off his a** and drives and gets a in car accident. There is plenty more evidence (including a soliloquy by Deacon that pretty much lays out his whole m/o) but apparently people just don't get it. He also keeps trophies of all his victims in true serial killer fashion. I don't really blame those who don't get it, it was boring as hell, and really didn't make me care about any of the characters or plot points.
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