The Andy Griffith Show: Up in Barney's Room (1963)
Season 4, Episode 9
Ultimate Barney episode
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is really the episode that captures the best of Barney Fife . The anger at the limitations of his living situation. The humor in every scene and the loyal, protective, caring person he can be . He also has good instincts for a change and ultimately saves his friend and landlady Miss Mendlebright .

Watch as he gets drunk on hard cider or snaps back at Miss Mendlebright when she catches him breaking some of her rules.

Ultimately everything works out and Barney and Miss Mendlebright learn to appreciate each other more. They always liked each other but this temporary falling out and Barney looking out for her helps her appreciate him. Barney started feeling protective of her and remembering how kind she is and a faithful member of church. Really is a sweet episode.
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