20 years later... and it gets a pass
1 October 2022
Its Hard to believe this movie is almost 20 years old. I was 9 when I first saw this and have maybe seen it once more since today when I gave The Cat in the Hat one more crack. I dont recall ever having much to say about the film, Im even more sure what I thought of it untill the rewatch was it was horrible, but anyway here's a small review... This was in no way a dumpster fire but in no way was it great either, definitely got some good laughs out of it to end it sweet. Mike Myers was definitely a hit or a miss, in some scenes it felt he over acted but in others he hit the nail on the head, as far as a Dr. Seuss film is concerned its a pass and would recommend it for that good old nostalgia hit if you're watching with friends or family.
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