BET Awards 2022 (2022 TV Special)
Bad Entertainment Awards
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have the 2022 BET Awards and these took place in June, so it's been a while, but I will review them now a few months later. Some of it will be more on the brainstorming side for sure. I see the event, including commercials, went really long, namely almost 3.5 hours. The host is actress Taraji P. Henson again and I wish I could say something positive about her, but she blended in nicely with this mess of an event. I will not discuss in detail now that I think the world would be a better place without an awards show that shuts out pretty much everybody who does not have a specific skin color. From my perspective, this is the perfect description of racism and it will not create any bridges at all. For Whites are allowed in only if they adjust to music genres that are usually dominated by Blacks. No chance for rock musicians. And then ironically, live on air, we hear advice to Black people how they shall not copy White people. In general. Not just in terms of music. Many, if not most, awards shows these days have the problem that they are cluttered up with music performances. This one here was definitely not an exception. There should have been much more focus on the awards and then it could have been almost half the duration. If people want music, they can watch concert DVDs. If at least the music had been any good, but already the first song was as forgettable as it gets and it stayed that way. It was also a political show which I despised. Janella Monae giving the middle finger to a Supreme Court Justice? How dare she? There were quite a few "our body" references in here, especially at the start and I think you can discuss this, but not at an awards show and they should have booed her. Henson was just as bad with the random rambling about guns having more rights than women these days. What is wrong with these people? Throw a gun into the river and a dead woman and you will see who people care more about. I just can't deal with this passive-aggressive exaggerations.

You can think and demonstrate for or against all you want, but keep it away from shows like this! And show some decency and class when presenting your opinion, especially with the young people watching the show. At least for them, don't act like the biggest fools. Oh well, why am I even saying this, nothing will change. The first award recipient also did not thank the folks who helped him as he should have, but instead put on display random abortion-related rambling. And from a music perspective, this show was completely worthless anyway. There is good American music, no doubt about it, but you will not find it here. Have to look elsewhere for that. By the way, I also consider many White musicians absolutely overrated. Swift (in the last ten years) and Sheeran are good examples of that. With this show here, I find it sad to see Idris Elba show up as I adore his acting. With Kaluuya, who I like less, I was not surprised. This show was also shameless sellout by the way. We had the new best artist presented by Sprite. Very healthy brand. How inspiring! Just make a lot of money was the motto here for the producers, everything else is irrelevant. Maybe "artist" is also not the right term for those people, more like "creator" as I do not see art here, not with the established ones, not with the new ones. One thing I found particularly shocking here was how nobody really cared for proper English anymore and the only question was if mutilated grammar was most frequent or if it was obscenities and swearing. I mean it's totally okay to swear and nobody needs to be a saint, but you should not do so every sentence. Wouldn't want my kids to watch, let alone admire these people no matter which skin color they have. Speaking of language, sign language was featured too. Because of CODA? In any case, it felt so out of place and awkward.

Funny moments were a rarity here. Maybe one girl joking about her upcoming 18th birthday was not too bad. Other than that, it was "funny" when somebody with the name Nefatari is called Nutella. "Hidden" commercial too? I wonder if people would have laughed had this joke been delivered by a White person. There are more sponsors. Look at American Express for example. Maybe I should not say the specific brands, but here it is in a way to call out those who contributed to this terrible show. Call them out in a negative way. People should have rejected awards where the category names where such a mess. I guess there capitalism is okay all of a sudden for the left-wing side. While we are at it, another sponsor is Doritos, yep there were many, and this was maybe even one of the most dominant ones with five mentions or so including the name of the website. Why oh why? Think this was it? Think again, Hennessy followed seconds later. We say "Dauerwerbesendung" here in Germany. Think this was it then? Think again. Target also wanted in of course. Biggest sellout show ever. No respect for former NBA player Baron Davis either to agree to be a part of this mess. I liked him when he was still active, seemed like a cool guy, but really poor decision from him or his management here and he surely does not need the money to lend his name to chaos like this show. I talked about potential racism here earlier and I must keep this up. This became especially visible on one occasion when an award winner it was I think dedicated the award to Africa, to Nigeria. There people were applauding, but think what would happen if a White winner would dedicate his win to Europe, maybe to his home country. Silence in the room or maybe some booing even. And don't even get me started on "Black Excellence" on the shirts. Capitalized. I will spare you. And yes, we also hear the words "a lot of Black excellence this room". All has to be race-related. How can this be?

These cringeworthy awards got interrupted (or the other way around) again and again by obnoxiously loud performances that never included talent or musical vision. And if they had not touched one last area of discrimination by then, they also got in anti-male sexism finally. This tribute to Black men from host Henson was really rock bottom. How about men asking women if they can last for an hour in bed? It was all so horrible that the absolutely soulless music even was something to look forward to somehow. I usually like duets for example, but the ones here felt shallow and empty. Okay, the pink dress moment was okay, even if it was also on the pompous side. All make-believe like the entire evening. And why is there a mental health initiative only for Black people? More segregation obviously. They should not have dragged nice films like Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs into all of this. No matter if it is just one brief mention. And don't steal the Godfather theme for your trash music, thank you very much. When the show was half over and they said something like "this was just the beginning", it really sounded like a massive threat. Puff Daddy or P. Diddy or whatever he is called now is also an artist who has some songs I find okay, but with his lifetime achievement award here and that he did not reject it, he is not growing for me at all. Besides, if you think the sexism I talked about earlier was bad already, then wait till you hear the ladies from this show talk about big male genitalia. I wonder when we will see a male host talk about big cleavage live on air with millions watching. Or wait, should I go below the waist instead with this joke like they did? Speaking of physical pleasure, this also became a brief fashion show when Billy Porter had his moment here. Not sure why though. Loud, awful, no attention to detail.

Then, Dove (not Cameron) had maybe the worst moment from all the brands mentioned here, namely when we hear about an initiative with the goal to make racial hair-based discrimination illegal in America. What? Just give me the ointment please and stay away from stuff like that. I don't want to pay extra money for nonsense like this when I buy your products. Oh wait, I simply won't anymore. That's the easiest way. Just go on then. Have I mentioned all featured brands now? Nope. P&G are also included. And our super healthy friends from Coke too. Is there anybody who isn't really? Another thing that I kept wondering about for a little while after the Puff Daddy honor was over already was who in God's name this Black fella there was who kept talking and never stopped. Like you could think he was the recipient even. Speaking of God, it seems as if praising Him is also only okay when you are Black. Otherwise, the Church is pure evil. Oh wait, now I remember: Puff Daddy is called "Love" right now. Changed his name again. Okay, there goes my last bit of respect for him. And what was he talking about no commercials when the show was packed with them really? I also did not understand why he said his dream is for Black people to be free. Look at our current society and you will realize they are free. Just take a close look. At least he also mentioned Black-on-Black crime, one step into the right direction because so many precious lives are lost because of it and it could not be any more hypocritical how many only care when a White man pulls the trigger, which is absolutely the vast minority of cases. I am almost done with my review on what they called "culture's biggest night". I kid you not. Props to Zendaya for not showing up by the way. Good moment. The opposite was Taraji's anti-gun statement again at the end. Also how dare they include Roe vs. Wade the way they did? What an absolute joke, even if otherwise putting the in-memoriam segment at the end of the show was not a bad idea at all. See I give credit where credit is due, still there is no justification for the last half hour or so without a competitive award. But worse than that, the gun violence inclusion was just an abomination. Kinda mocked the ones we lost. Terrible program overall, absolutely not recommended.
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