'He's Watching' (2018 TV Movie)
Wooden Acting , Plastic Setting
29 September 2022
Nothing in this , movie seemed real ! From ridiculously perfect lifestyles and homes , to perfect work places .

Is there ever a hair or a cushion out of place in these fake movies ?

And the leading actress playing Angela , well, for such a well educated , supposed to be intelligent woman , she did'nt seem to have one shred of common sense ' !

Firstly ,she takes on her ex as a client , then she sleeps with him , and then tells him the following day that it was a mistake , and " lets be friends again, and you can still be my client " !

No. Angela , it does'nt work like that !

Also , it did seem at times , that it was all about Angela , and her perfect body and face , what was with all the ' Angela getting wet ' scenes ? , ok , I get it , when a movie is this rubbish , just throw in the eye candy shots for the male audience !

Give this one a miss , I advise.
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