Review of Gold

Gold (I) (2022)
Gold is quirky but well worth while
29 September 2022
Gold, not to be confused with the Matthew Mcconaughey film, is a strange and quirky movie set in the not too distant bleak future, in which a migrant worker, Efron, is travelling to an outpost for a new not too pleasant job. Along the way he and his driver, played by Anthony Hayes, discover an exposed gold rock that is too heavy for them to move. Hayes decides to leave and go get equipment to move the gold, while Efron stays and guards the gold. No names are ever used or assigned to the characters. The problem for Efron, who the movie is really centered around, is that he is being left in the desert with few supplies and no way of knowing when the driver is returning. This movie is a strange one. It has elements of Waiting for Godot type of absurdity, The Treasure of Sierra Madre's way of looking at the madness of greed with a little bit of Polanski's Repulsion thrown in the way we see this man's descent into madness from the inside. Zac Efron has shown a real desire and ability to take risky roles and he is a very good actor. More than up to carrying a film pretty much on his own. Not everyone is going to like Gold. It's very dark and quirky. I absolutely loved it. I wouldn't recommend it for everybody. But if you like smaller films that squirm around and make you squirm, then this film is a rare find. It is a very good film even it it's not for everybody. Much better than the Matthew Mcconaughey Gold at the very least.
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