What did I expectÉ
29 September 2022
A hackneyed plot. Sloppy exposition. Characters that barely qualify as having dimension. I don't know why I started it. Seemed like a good title. I guess I was hoping this would turn out to be one of those undiscovered low budget gems. And the actors, Shawn Ashmore and Gary Cole in particular have done better work. But this one doesn't really even try to be a good movie. The premise that a cop, Ashmore, who loses his wife to a supposed suicide, begins to suspect a father and son pair of serial killers who are killing powerful and successful women because of a deep set misogyny that goes back to their childhood. A movie about misogyny and there isn't a female lead of any kind. Huh. That seems, well. Misogynistic. Not to be confused with the 2003 horror movie of the same name, Darkness Falls isn't even good enough to be awful. It's just stupid. And boring. Why did I watch the whole thing? Unfortunately I have an OCD thing that I have to finish every movie or book, no matter how awful that I start. But you don't even have to start it. Watch paint dry. At least that doesn't pretend or promise to be interesting. And even that would be less a waste of your time.
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