There's an end credit scene no one watched
27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished "Escape The Field" and man what a let down. 90 minutes felt like 3 hours, and as much as I was hoping for a solid payoff after a slow burn, this movie just did not deliver. It's so frustrating when a mystery movie leaves so many things unanswered. Would it have killed the writers to at least tell us how each character was selected for whatever this mess was?!? With all that being said...there IS AN ANSWER for what happens to the annoying girl at the end. In between the credits we see her walking through the corn only to stop and start counting to 6 (just like the random guy that stumbled on our group) as she's counting we see that she's looking at a fresh group of contestants in the maze...she's then dragged away by the "team leader" guy that got shot with the red eye dart, and he snaps her neck (at least by the sound).
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