27 September 2022
Like the first movie it got better in the second half of the movie.

Except this one was way harder to watch.

The funniest scenes are the most unessacary. Like the bird fight one

This movie was very boring at times but it was also sorta funny at times too.

This movie makes me appreciate the simplicity of the first movie

This movie was trying to be home alone two but ended up being home alone three These movies really do feel like home alone with a overweight cop

Also we get like no mall cop stuff until like an hour into the movie.

The soundtrack wasn't good because I don't remember a single song they had in the movie. If any.

They basicly ditched the entire cast of the first movie except for 2 characters

And the story isn't creative at all. They just go to Vegas for some speech and Paul's daughter gets aceepted to college.

Speaking of the college storyline i didn't really like it. Plus I feel like this movie would be exactly the same if they didn't add that plotline in

There's a lot more nit pics I have, but I don't want this video to be too long so we won't get into too much

Let's just say this movie was a pretty big downgrade from the first movie

But I will rate this movie a not so solid 5/10 really the only positive I had with this movie was it was pretty funny if not funnier than the first to me.

Overall it was just a very bland and boring sequel I do not recommend this movie at all. I hope there not making a mall cop 3 because they should have made a MALL COP 2.
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