Encanto (2021)
Vibrant anf fun with good overarching messages, but a little rushed towards the end
26 September 2022
Extraordinary abilities are part and parcel of the amazing Madrigal family, but one of their own members is quite ordinary-Mirabel. Amid her family marked with blessings, young Mirabel believes she has no defining trait. She's a bit of an outlier who is desperate to feel a sense of belonging in her superpowered family. It seems like everyone is special, and she's just...not. However, not all is as perfect as it seems in the casa Madrigal. Behind the shining façade, this family is starting to come apart. Their house is cracking, and the future isn't looking good. As the sole person in her family who is "un-gifted", Mirabel has unique insight into the Madrigal legacy. Can she help restore life to her home and family?

At the start of the story, the pressure to "make the family proud", in the words of Abuela, is a throbbing pulse within the household, to the point that several members of the family are overworking themselves and even being ostracized for not using their gifts "correctly". The song "Surface Pressure" highlights one of the sister's struggles to juggle more than her share of the work: "Give it to your sister, your sister's stronger / See if she can hang on a little longer / Who am I if I can't carry it all?" I myself have struggled with finding my identity completely in my talents or strengths, so I found the honest portrayal of this outlook very relatable. There is a lot of pressure in social circles, online, and in the media to discover your talent and utilize it as effectively and quickly as possible, even if that means experiencing incredible stress in the process. It's good to find joy or satisfaction in your skills, but basing your self-worth completely in your abilities or forcing yourself to unattainable perfection is not a healthy perspective. Eventually, after noticing the widespread tension to perform, Mirabel encourages her family to realize that each of them is "more than just their gift." Each person's inherent dignity is not found in what they can do, but who they are. As human beings, we are not made to achieve constant productivity or complete perfection, but we are made to love. Encanto displays and celebrates this truth well.

Additionally, I found Encanto's final representation of generational appreciation very compelling and inspirational. At first glance, it seems that Abuela Madrigal is more concerned with protecting her home than truly listening to and caring for the needs of her family. Later, however, we learn that she suffered much in her younger years, and that the great miracle, from whence the family gifts came, is a result of that suffering. I really enjoyed this willingness to learn and listen to both generations: Mirabel helps her abuela see that she has forgotten the true mission of their family: to care for and bless others as they have been blessed. Abuela, in turn, helps Mirabel to see that that you must go through pain to experience true joy. People of all ages and stages should be aware of the attitude with which they approach other generations and be willing to learn from each other.

Described in a word, Encanto is vibrant. The lush, animated landscapes and bright colors, the representation of Hispanic culture, and the merry music are all fantastic, making this film fun and engaging. However, for all its excellence in the areas of music, culture, and animation, parts of the story felt a bit rushed. Particularly in the last half of the film, it seemed like all the familial conflicts which had been carefully developed in the first half of the story were quickly and neatly solved, almost unrealistically. While I think it's wonderful thing that the Madrigals were able to "forgive and forget" so quickly in the final resolution, I think adding even 30 minutes of run-time would've given more opportunity for resolving the clan's conflicts and the space for a more balanced, realistic ending for this magical family.
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