A good documentary
26 September 2022
Afghanistan, a place, a land, a country, which perhaps will never remain under the control of anyone, as in the past most likely in the future too.

This land has seen bloodshed more then any place in the world. Kabul today is there's, tomorrow someone else. The fight, the battles will go on, sadly.

Taliban, it was expected that they perhaps this time would be different then the ones in 90's, some might are, but the majority of these people are illiterate and not in knowledge of modern or Islamic teachings. They were filled with hate, they were taught all inhumane act(s) they can carry out and there is only principle to rule is through fear.

There are many stories, in these last days, especially, not covered in this documentary. How the top leadership fled through the same airport carrying billions. How the so called trained Afghan forces just fell like a house of cards. It shows that the American achieved nothing but failure in the last 20 years.

There were many other airlines, who out of their heroics help fleeing people out of Kabul, the documentary remains untouched over that part. Though it has shown some events and it will touch you.

Freedom always has a price. Always will have a price.
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