The Crown: Margaretology (2019)
Season 3, Episode 2
The cast is a lack of respect to the viewers
26 September 2022
Though I was determined not to continue watching the series after episode 1 of Season 3 for the awful change of all the actors I gave the series a second chance but things kept going downhill. I still cannot understand why in they year 2019 the producers couldn't just keep the same actors and make them look older with makeup effects. The problem with the cast is that the protagonists don't look remotely alike the people they are performing and they look so much older than the age they are supposed to be in this episode. It's a lack of respect to the viewer to have us watch these people who look as if they were in their fifties while they are supposed to be in their late 30s. Not only that but the characters have now also changed their personalities: Elizabeth and Philip in seasons 1 and 2 were flawed but loveable. In season 3 they have ceased to be lovable and start showing some bad manners or condescendence towards servants. The same happens with Margaret: in the previous seasons she was flawed but sensitive; in this season she starts being cynical. And it's impossible to like these characters. I've never been so disappointed of a series.
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