Based on the best-selling young middle school graphic novel of the same name, this new Apple TV+ series will have you wanting to relive summer all over again.
25 September 2022
Surfs up! Perfect for the end of summer break, Surfside Girls is here with a great summer-ending, wild adventure that will take you on a magical, action-packed journey with plenty of secrets to uncover. Based on the best-selling young middle school graphic novel of the same name, this new Apple TV+ series will have you wanting to relive summer all over again.

Surfside Girls follows best friends, Samantha "Sam" Torres (YaYa Gosselin) and Jade Lee (Miya Cech), who are looking forward to surfing and enjoying the summer weather. That is until Sam finds a "magic" coin that leads them on a supernatural, mysterious adventure, complete with a pirate ghost, cursed treasure and a booby-trapped room. Also, the friends are slowly drifting apart because Jade is meeting new friends and maturing faster than Sam. Will they solve the mystery and save their friendship?

Surfside Girls will inspire viewers to go on their own adventures and discover more about their own towns. The main characters are Sam and Jade. Sam is adventurous and slightly care-free, while Jade is the more serious one. Despite their extreme differences, viewers will love both characters and relate to each of their experiences. The visual and special effects are very realistic and even hilarious at times, especially in one episode when Jade's book-bag becomes stuck to the magnetic force of a huge rock -while she's wearing it. I love how the series has afterlife aspects, such as the pirate ghost or the girls having the supernatural powers to travel through walls and time. My favorite parts are the cool rooms and secrets Sam and Jade explore throughout their journey. While this series mostly focuses on solving the mystery in Surfside, the main characters love surfing as well. Seeing their passion for it and how it's one of the things that draws them together is very heartwarming.

This series explores how true friendships are based on accepting and celebrating each other's differences. Sam and Jade couldn't be more different, and they are still best friends, not clones. Their Surfside adventure is just what they need to learn from their mistakes, forgive and bond with each other and even learn more about themselves.

I rate Surfside Girls 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. You can watch it now on Apple TV+.

By Tiana S., KIDS FIRST!
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