Irredeemable Drivel
22 September 2022
There's not one facet of this that I can remotely hold up as even somewhat worthy of minuscule amounts of attention yet somehow this manages to not only get the green light but made into multiple episodes- either Netflix is so devoid of decent projects, someone in charge has loads of blackmail material and/or the people paying the money haven't seen anything worthwhile so there's no way to compare this narcissistic, abhorrent programming to shows/movies that warrant time and talent.

There's so much finger-pointing and shame blaming it's nauseating- somehow they attempt to draw lines from overspending/pointless debt to blaming it onto celebrities for somehow forcing them into wanting to live like there's no end to the party and money is simply theirs for the taking. From blaming capitalism (eww icky lol) to becoming models for what can only be described as Hustler, there's an awful lot of blame on everyone and everything except them. There's even a decent amount heaped upon sexual preference (I thought I might be gay therefore this theft is okay because I was confused) and programming that showed celebrity homes so it's okay for them to covet others property.

There's a point where this vapid mother tries to validate her cult religion with a 'vision board' and says she has a million dollar bill, except it's missing a zero lol. That's a pretty perfect analogy for this series, actually; being so wrapped up in nonsense you can't decipher the difference between 100,000 and 1,000,000. A TV show doesn't equate to knowledge of anyone any more than whipping out Google maps gives you a property you now live in. Just because you say this nonsense doesn't make it true.

Hollywood and their ilk have become so enthralled with themselves, they've completely ignored the majority of us who pay their salaries and rent/buy the apps, that they think this is what gets them money. I didn't even make it twenty minutes before having to turn it off, in favor of stapling my tongue to a tree. Which coincidentally was more entertaining than whatever this is supposed to be.
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