Jo Koy: Live from Seattle (2017 TV Special)
Multi-faceted, Super Creative & HiLARIous!! 🤣 Our Family Watched This TWICE
21 September 2022
Thank you so much Joy Koy for sharing invaluable, AWESOME, ROCK STAR you/YOU and your wonderful gifts!

You have such a vast imagination, a high level of mental and emotional intelligence, impressive creativity, soul-igniting and heartfelt interpersonal skills, natural talent, and keen, Heart-centered observations of humanity and interconnected Life.

Continue SHINING BRIGHT🌅 Soul brother-my Asian brother from another mother 😜-by simply Being Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE🌗 you🌝/You🌚, to include:

Open-minded (but discerning rather than gullible), open-hearted (with healthy boundaries), authentic (embracing ALL neutral aspects of WHOLE self/Self, to include ALL important FEELINGS, language of the integrated Heart/Mind), free-spirited, adventurous, FUN 🐸 (it's CRYSTAL CLEAR you enJOY comedy), animated, goofy, playful, hilarious, lovable, wise, resilient, assertive, refreshingly honest, brave (for speaking and sharing your deeply heartfelt, inner-truths during your 4th Netflix Special; we LOVE your funny accents! 😆), magnetic, deeply understanding, compassionate, unconditionally loving (for the self/others/Life), unconditionally forgiving (for the self/others/Life), very thoughtful and generously helpful (especially for your culture's people), informative, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and we have no doubt much more.

Your other Netflix specials are great too, and we especially appreciate the most recent Live from L. A. we watched tonight 😄, as well as this one, definitely THE BEST!!

So we're super happy for you for having the COURAGE to pursue your Heart's passionate, fiery dreams, despite various challenges.

Thank you for Leading By Example!

We need more strong, wise, and unconditionally loving Souls like you in this world, who touch so many hearts, and greatly contribute to the expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness.

Wishing you and your loved ones an abundance of blessings! 😘💖💓💕

Ahaya Mulantis.
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