Pantheon (2022–2023)
Best Sci-Fi of 2022
20 September 2022
Watching "Pantheon" is like reading "Neuromancer" for the first time - I found myself totally engrossed in the world and story, and eager to find out what happens to both the main and supporting characters. Few movies, series, or books can do that for me (looking at you, "LoTR RoP").

While the animation could be better, I'm willing to overlook it because the story is simply that good. Compared to, for example, Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd GIG, whose later episodes had really good graphics but lacked in storytelling and character development, Pantheon is so much more thought-provoking and philosophical.

I never read the short stories by Ken Liu on which this series is based, but given that the author has a producer credit, I am confident that the entire series will be excellent. Without giving spoilers, for me what stood out is that the technology described in Pantheon is very much plausible - given some more years of research. But as Isaac Asimov said, "The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."

That, I think, encapsulates nicely the series. If you enjoy cyberpunk or apocalyptic stories, then I'm sure that you'll enjoy Pantheon.
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