So Many ideas.....
19 September 2022
This film had so many ideas, it just struggled to execute them all effectively.

It's overall premise, sounds like a good movie before you even sit down.

In theory it should have worked.

For me 2 key areas let this movie down and stop it from reaching the heights it should have.

1) The soundtrack. It was completely off. Where u should have been hearing an upbeat R & B song to bring energy to a scene, you hear a dull and repetitive pop song. Where you should have heard an energetic and uplifting track, you hear a depressing indie tune. It just sucks the life out of key parts of the film and doesn't make sense.

2) The pace. It takes far too long to get to The List. The pace is all over the place in this movie and makes it, at times a difficult watch.

All in all I think that the cast do a good job of selling the story. Madison iseman stands out as one of the leads. Jerry O'Connell and Natalie Zea light up and improve every scene that they are in.

It's just not enough. A good premise is offset by poor pacing and odd soundtrack changes. With a bigger budget and a more focused approach, this could have been a much better movie.
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