Skaterdater (1966)
A nifty and different short flick !
19 September 2022
My oh my,how the time does fly ! I saw this short film at the Brooklyn,Ohio library on Ridge road in 1974 or 1975. I don't remember very-much about this film,other than some amazing and seemingly impossible skating tricks and techniques. Naturally,I bought a skateboard after seeing this movie. 🤡

Dear reader,you are under no obligation to read any further. Apparently I am required to write 600 characters,which seems rather arbitrary and silly,in my opinion. I am done with my review,so please feel free to leave at any time. Hopefully,the 600-word requirement will be met soon and I can move on.

(I just checked,not yet.) If there were a 600 character LIMIT,I would run-out of room 1/3 of the way through a 'clever' review,and I'd be complaining about running out of room! BUT...give me enough room for a long review,and I am tongue-tied! Thanks for reading my review.🌞
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