Not so great, or even good
19 September 2022
This low rating and negative review is being given with a very heavy heart and regret, am somebody who has always aimed to be encouraging and give her thoughts with no intended bias. Absolutely love documentaries, have done so for years, and this subject is something that has always been fascinating to me. Also have seen many IMAX documentary short films and have been impressed by a vast majority of them, with the only really common issue being the too short length.

1998's 'The Greatest Places' just could have been so much better. Of all the IMAX short film documentaries, it is for me down there with the worst with major reservations with the narration (both in delivery and especially writing, length and pace being major issues and even the visuals uncharacteristically varied. Is 'The Greatest Places' irredeemable? Absolutely not. Is it great? Not at all for me, would go as far to say that it isn't even good regrettably.

It does have redeeming merits. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking and it is enhanced by the wonderful photography that is so fluid and colourful.

Loved the animals and plants too, amazing to look at and rich in personality.

However, so much could have been much better. Absolutely agree with the narration being a massive issue to the point that it single handedly reduces 'The Greatest Places' from being potentially good to mixed feelings level on its own. The writing is far too saccharine and corny and while Avery Brooks tries his best the delivery is also too sappy and over dramatic. Beautiful voice but no subtlety in delivery.

What also significantly brings it down is the very choppy editing and less than polished effects, which do cheapen the look. There are though other issues too. 'The Greatest Places' does try to cram in far too much, so there is an over stuffed feel. It also is too short, with 20 minutes longer it would have been a lot less rushed.

Summing up, a disappointment. 3/10.
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