Black Panter - meets Roots - meets the Dora Milaje - meets Mulan - meets Avatar - meets the Amazonians of Wonder Woman
19 September 2022
FINAL TAKEAWAYS: Overall #TheWomanKing gives Black Panther - meets Roots - meets Avatar - meets Mulan - meets the Dora Milaje - meets the Amazonians of Wonder Woman

* * * Theme & Story: A- Pacing: A- Character: A- Overall "Paper" Score: A-

* * * Entertainment Factors General Public: Worth the $$$ Film Enthusiasts: Worth the $$$ Dramatic/ Black History Fans: Worth The $$$ Overall "Viewing Experience" Score: Worth the $$$

* * * I think many are naturally drawn to the name Viola, and I mean she is the lead character of this film, BUT... the star for me is Lashana Lynch! SHE was absolutely amazing.

In terms of the story, I appreciated how the film made sure not to fully anchor the events of slavery (because we've been there and done that in films throughout the 70s, 80s, and 90s), and instead focused on "oppressors," from both outside and within in, and the relationship to women.

It's definitely a well packed and intentional PG-13 film.

SN: I really love John Boyega! He had an interview on The Daily Show where he mentioned channeling his dad for this role, and putting on the pounds to give that "healthy, paternal king-like vibe", and there was a scene with Santo where he asked For his court to give Santo a seat, and I felt like I saw his dad in that entire moment LOL

OTHER THOUGHTS: Highlights: Lashana MF Lynch! Thematic followthrough, Viola Davis, the fight scenes, the overall Blackness, and the LGBTQ+ representation.

Could've Been Better: Shante's storyline (just a little), and Nawi's character development/cohesion.
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