Breaking Down the Documentary Rules
17 September 2022
Avoided the talking head regime of most documentaries and the flashbacks to coverage that is not relevant. Completely authentic and therefore powerful. Town of Nasielsk, Poland comes alive in this three minute documentary. I had a strong feeling for it because I have just written a new novel, The Girl Who Counted Numbers, Amsterdam Publishers, Out on October 12th on Amazon. Much of the book reflects to characters who lived in Rozvadow, Poland, a shtetl about the same size as Nasielsk, destroyed when the Nazis arrived. I visited Rozvadow and there is a resemblance to Nasielsk. Buildings around a town square. Farmers, Storekeepers. Children playing. A sense of the neighborhood is very keen and most of all life seems to be normal. In this documentary things appear and reappear, come back and leave, emphasizing the patterns of life in the village. This is true in Rozvadow, Poland, too. I wish that I could have seen a three minute film of Rozvadow,Poland.
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