Predictable and Underwhelming Story
15 September 2022
"Unfavorable Odds" looks and feels like a film that a group of friends whipped up for their own amusement. The story about a husband that bets his friend that he can't seduce his wife is far from original. The script's dialog is obvious and uninspired. The performances while energetic are stilted and generally over the top. Visually the movie is competently shot, but relies too heavily on aerial and tracking shots. The staging is flat and unremarkable. A major technical drawback of the film is the sound. While the dialog is generally audible, the sound re-recording is uneven and choppy. The score sounds generic, but the songs are one of the few highlights of the movie. Filmgoers looking for a wholesome comedy with no sex, violence, or nudity, might be mildly amused by this movie. However, they would be better off avoiding this knockoff of a knock off and instead streaming something written by Preston Sturges.or Garson Kanin/Ruth Gordon from the Golden Age of Hollywood.
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