Review of Safe Room

Succession: Safe Room (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
Will Shiv Get Shived?
14 September 2022
Kendall (Jeremy Strong) is about as good as it gets. The beauty is he is under control as an actor. His character is so complex with the most insane underpinnings. He is the product of this family. His successes are amazing, yet meaningless to Logan. With Logan, there is no show. He is what he is to those people and that is someone who would kick any of them to the curb. The accident hangs heavy and Kendall can't say a word. His final meeting with Shiv is so dramatic in the most subtle way. Tom is proving to be so messed up. He is ultimately dangerous. Greg awkwardly walks through the killing fields. His scene with Tom where he confesses to having saved documents is great. Tom appreciates a devious mind.
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