The Sixth Man (1997)
TV Series Reboot on Disney+??
13 September 2022
I would love to see this through the lens of Disney's modern era right now. Great film. Some odd years later and Kenny has two sons or daughters who play basketball. Go figure. The possibilities of the direction it can go.

A la the reimagined "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" that is now the acclaimed "Bel Air". Not saying it has to be gritty or have a "street feel" or as you may have it. Edge.

For example Smart Guy. I believe Disney+ could have a goldmine if the Smart Guy franchise is looked into again and seriously. There's many possibilities there. T. J. Has a daughter. Smart Girl. You never know.

Girl Meets World was given up on too soon. Though burgeoning careers and more mature roles helped speed up the end being near. College years or destination films. Girl Meets World LA for exmaple.
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