My Son Hunter (2022)
Not a movie
9 September 2022
I'm not a fan of Trump and his influence on journalism worldwide, but I went into the movie completely blank. I actively tried to like it, but it was just too cringy. The acting was genuinely bad and the production was just subpar. Example: voices of people being outside where recorded in a badly insulated room.

Nevertheless, I did love Laurence Fox's portrayal of a drugged out Hunter Biden and his little dog scene was really funny. He's definitely a good actor. I read a review online praising this movie (found it on Google btw) saying that this role will catapult him into stardom. I don't think this will happen though; outing yourself as a conspiracy theorist generally doesn't do any career any good. I sincerely hope he just did it for the money, but I doubt it.

In fact, the low production value showed me no real professionals were touching this, which is actually a bit of a relief. Gina's Secret Service suit wasn't a fit, for crying out loud. She was wearing a tent! Are you telling me even the tailors are afraid of cancellation? I don't think so.

Still a couple of stars for Laurence Fox and his funny dog scene.
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