Big Sky River (2022 TV Movie)
Widower with two kids and a divorcée with a step daughter develop a romance.
6 September 2022
I have mixed feelings about this film...but I want to start by saying I loved the lead actors and their supporting cast...I also loved the setting (fake Montana) and I appreciated that they had the big city New Yorker be a great horse rider who dresses appropriately and isn't afraid of animals or hard work (aka fits in), instead of going the fish out of water trope. My difficulties lie in the story content itself...

For me hallmark movies are entertainment not "real life", I have enough of real life in the real world...I watch hallmark to escape all of that. Which is why I am not sure that I appreciate Hallmark's attempt to make the story more "life like" by adding all the baggage. It's either that or trying to normalize bitter divorces and traumatized kids. If we could choose what we wanted...who would choose to go through a bitter divorce and have traumatized children running away and screaming out for love and attention. We get to choose the movies that we watch and I think Hallmark is making a mistake going this route. I am not in denial that 50% of marriages are ending in divorce these days...but if you are going through a messy divorce is this what you are going to want to watch? Or would you prefer the fairytale where for a couple of hours you can fantasize that peoples' dreams really come true? Also...has everyone just thrown in the towel and accepted that 50% of marriages end in divorce? How about movies that show people fighting for their marriages and doing the hard work that it takes to stay married for a lifetime? Now that would be some real life entertainment that people really need and could use.

Ok, stepping off the soapbox and getting back to this film...Vancouver, B. C. native Emmanuelle Vaugier who played the female lead was fantastic. She is lovely and did a solid acting job. Kavan Smith who played the male romantic lead also put in a solid performance. To be honest, I am not sure I really felt the chemistry between these two...but they are both such good actors you really didn't notice (the last kiss with the hat removal was probably the biggest tell in the whole film).

I understand that the source material is a Linda Lael Miller book which had the two not getting along initially, it's kind of too bad they didn't go that route because I love a good hate to love romance...but I understand with all the baggage that they had to deal with in the film why they went this route instead.

Also, I am really starting to feel sorry for Peter Benson (another solid Hallmark actor), he has been having to play a less than white knight lately and is probably itching to be more hero than anti-hero.

One of the sadder hallmark offerings due to the subject matter...but it is in a gorgeous setting. If you like kids and divorcee/widower romances this might be the film for you.
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