An homage to 80's slasher movies
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Warning -- Spoilers!

I went into this movie with high expectations since it had a good rating. Also, I like the Scottish Highlands. I am left sorely disappointed.

The acting is mostly okay, I guess, and the countryside is beautiful. I am sorry this is the only good I can really say.

There were far too many situation where people did things that made absolutely NO SENSE. Here we have two young American women hiking through desolate hills without cell phones. I grant that one of them had a hidden agenda... but the other so easily complied? Then when they know that a man is spying on them from a nearby hill, the woman pulls up her shirt and waves! The next day, they go to a pub and meet two strangers. They leave their beers unattended to get the drinks "roofed."

Later on, one woman points a gun at one of the bad guys while standing two feet in front of him - he can practically touch it! The man suggests that the woman check the corpse on the ground to see if there's a pulse... When she bends down, he snatches the gun. Big surprise!

There are myriad scenes where someone is pretty sure they had killed an adversary. They turn their back with relief only to have the "dead person" jump up to attack again.

There was an excessive amount of squirting blood in the fighting. People's faces were regularly covered. It was too much and a sad waste of tomato sauce.

There are serious timing problems. One example: When one guy draws a man out of his house, the woman is supposed to enter it to see if her friend is there. She goes in and walks around so slowly. She drops her coat on the floor before slowly climbing the stairs. Why not hurry it up? The man would likely return at any moment!

Finally, too many bizarre coincidences. The woman escaping from the bad guys spends a night alone and resumes hiking the next day. She passes the very cottage that the bad guys are living in and sees one of them on the back porch. He also sees her before going inside. Why didn't he chase her? Why didn't she run to get the police? But no. She approaches the cottage and spies on the man through the window. Perfect timing, since he gets stabbed by someone in the cottage!

This movie would have been MUCH more enjoyable if the characters were smarter. I get annoyed when I see someone does something unrealistic and dumb. I guess when it comes to slasher movies, common sense is not so common.
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