The Expanse: The Big Empty (2015)
Season 1, Episode 2
So bad I worry about the series
6 September 2022
It's like they took everything that was good in the books and changed it "for drama". Crew competence. Gone. Holden sending message because he believes in sharing. Gone. Naomi being great except for not wanting to be leader. Gone. Bunch of squabbling children without any relation to n adult character. Except for the Mary Sue. Don't tear apart the characters and who and why they do things. It is only because of that that the interminable exposition of the books was bearable.

The only character that even resembles the character from the book is Amos Who was never the brightest star but even then they thought "we should make him stupid".

To be fair the authors didn't even try to develop Alex until book 4. But the run away from debris was just stupid

Poor characterization. Manufactured drama. It almost makes me miss the 2/3 of the book you hat just rambled on and on and on. At least then I knew good characters would appear soon. Here nothing to look forward to yet.

So sad.
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