5 September 2022
Wil Rikers the birthday-boy and he's got his trombone out. We're conducting a security survey in the Onias sector near the Neutral Zone. Despite our proximity to Romulan territory, all is quiet, all is calm. Unusual fluctuations in subspace frequencies, are we being probed? Could it be a secret Romulan base on the third planet of the Alpha Onias system?

Number One assembles an away team and pops down to the surface. Suffocating toxic-gasses knock the away team out. When Wil regains consciousness he is in sick bay back on board the Enterprise. But things do seem a little off.

It has to be accepted that Season Four is a leap-forward in quality stories. Characters have more depth, plot lines have many layers to them. It is clear that the ensemble cast are comfortable in their roles and at ease with the characters that they portray. Step by step we also get to learn a little more about each of these characters. Every nuance, smell, sound... Would I rate this episode among the better episodes of this season?

NO. But only because there are already so many nuggets to choose from.

So, what did Riker wish for?
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