Better Call Saul: Chicanery (2017)
Season 3, Episode 5
A Master Class in Writing and Acting
5 September 2022
The template for this amazing episode's courtroom drama was the famous court martial scene in The Caine Mutiny, where defense counsel was able to win his case by making the ship's captain appear mentally ill, even though he was not the one on trial and psychiatrists had testified he was totally sane.

In the BCS episode, Michael McKean's outburst and disintegration under cross-examination echoed Humphrey Bogart's in The Caine Mutiny, with identical results.

BCS is one of the finest dramas ever shown on television - if not *the* finest. Better than Ozark, The Wire, The Americans, dare I say even better than The Sopranos, and way better than Breaking Bad.
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