Strange Angel (2018–2019)
Interesting if uneven
4 September 2022
Interesting show, uneven acting and at times awkward plot lines but good production values.

It seems that much of it is fiction made up by George Pendle to make a good story. For me that undermines the entire project. A few new characters and a few imagined situations are forgiveable but he's written his own fantasy.

The final episode had a decent conclusion, if more Austin O. Spare than Aleister Crowley, but what was in the cakes of light, hmm? Not perhaps what you expect. Most of the cult of Thelema seemed to be an excuse for an orgy.

At the very end we also get to see that charlatan El Ron, lol.

Note that when he heard of the exploits of Parsons and El Ron, Crowley said they were idiots.

Disclaimer : I read a lot of Crowley stuff in my youth. While in some ways it stays with you, it's hard to get any sort of objective view, though that maybe is half the point. He had some advanced ideas amongst everything else. If I'd seen this show back then, it might have saved some time.

And feel sorry for Leah, the Ape of Thoth, and her and Crowley's baby Poupee, that Crowley, deep in his ego, let die from neglect.
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