Loving Adults (2022)
Interesting turns, then a comical, totally unbelievable ending.
4 September 2022
It's like the screenwriter just fell asleep, got drunk, or just decided to assume the viewers would be just as stupid as the characters are start to finish in this weak attempt at what could have been a much better movie without the totally illogical and idiotic conclusion. I won't say more, in case somebody actually just wants to waste a little under two hours of their life on a faux dramatic ending that makes you want to shoot the router so this can never happen to you again. Either that, or Danish police make the Keystone Cops look like geniuses.

Also, it doesn't help that the overdubbing into English is done by people that clearly are working without the benefit of actually seeing the film. Never heard such flat, emotionless 'voice acting' before.
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