Review of Old Fool

Gunsmoke: Old Fool (1960)
Season 6, Episode 15
Another light and easy Christmas edition of Gunsmoke...
4 September 2022
... and it says nothing specifically about Christmas, but there is not much in the way of the darkness of the human soul going on here, which goes down easy on Christmas Eve 1960.

The episode starts with Doc and Kitty discussing how somebody named Bass prevented Doc from going fishing. Kitty finds that ironic and that is all that is said about it there.

Then the scene changes to the farm of Hannibal and Della Bass, an older couple that has been together thirty years. They hear a commotion, Hannibal gets his gun and finds a teenager trying to steal one of his pigs. He takes him back to his mother's farm and finds the boy's mother, Elsie, to be a very charming attractive widow and their farm small and in disrepair. Hannibal dresses up and brings Elsie some of his livestock. They spend more and more time together until Hannibal has essentially left Della for Elsie. Della tries getting rid of the other woman the old fashioned way - she points a rifle and fires it - not at her - but near her. Elsie apparently has no shame about the situation. Elsie taunts Della before she takes to gun play and afterward Elsie goes into Dodge and gets a warrant for Della's arrest for attempted murder.

This is how Matt Dillon gets pulled into the situation. When he learns the actual circumstances he decides to get Elsie and Hannibal and bring them to the Bass farm for everybody to talk this out. Meanwhile, Della realizes that Elsie just wants Hannibal so she can have his prosperous farm, that she really doesn't care for Hannibal himself, and she comes up with a drastic but wise way to get Elsie to show her true feelings.

How does this work out? I'd say very humorously. Watch and find out.
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