Burial (II) (2022)
4 September 2022
1. I'm a fan of Charlotte Vega, so I was very excited to watch this film since she cast in the lead role. Even though the film failed to live up to my expectations, I'm happy she delivered an outstanding performance with lots of charisma and beauty.

Such a shame because I actually thought this was a horror film with lycanthrope mayhem. Alas! It was nothing like I imagined and I get baited and disappointed watching a war film with nothing out of ordinary. But I loved the striking visuals and cinematography.

2. I'm a fan of Charlotte Vega, so I was very excited to watch this film since she cast in the lead role. Even though the film failed to live up to my expectations, I'm happy she delivered an outstanding performance with lots of charisma and beauty.

Such a shame because I actually thought this was a horror film with lycanthrope mayhem. Alas! It was nothing like I imagined and I get baited and disappointed watching a war film with nothing out of ordinary. But I loved the striking visuals and cinematography.
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