Review of Fall

Fall (I) (2022)
Both deserved to die....of stupidity!
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have read 'climber reviews' and agree their 'plan' from lacking in essential equipment to not tellinga anyone where they were going was nonsense. They don't tie themselves together so one or both should have died in their sleep rolling off the platform. No way she could survive a huge tallon vulcher attack hanging on a slim pole with no life line. No one mentions the red beacon and the fact that once take out it hould signal someonoe to ASAP replace it given it is like a functioning lighthouse. No mention that the beacon must be monitored. Battery is life and death and she's watching video! And no last scene of her near ly expired when she hears the whirring sounds of a rescue helecoptor. After all we invest in viewing and no rescue scene.
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