Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
Could have been great...
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...but it wasn't.

Maybe the writers expected a third season or a movie after the series concluded. I don't know. If that's the case, I can give the writers some slack. However, as it is, the ending to the series was frustrating (at best).

My initial rating (after Season 1) was five stars. I dropped it down to three stars after seeing the horrible ending to the story.

The show had potential to be one of the better SciFi shows out there. The only reason I stuck around as long as I did was to see what Destiny's "destiny" actually was. I thought they were going to uncover the secrets of the Universe or the origins of the Universe or something interesting. NOPE!!! Not even close. Instead we watched a lot of plot points that went nowhere.

I'll admit that Season 2 was better than Season 1. The stories were (mostly) better. Some of the unlikeable characters at first became more likable as time went on.

I was hoping for a big payoff at the end of the show. Instead, I yelled at the TV - "That's it!? That's how it ends!?

There were a lot of plot points that were too convenient, such as a newly refurbished shuttle.

Too many episodes in Season 2 were "filler." What was the point of having a reunion with the crew that stayed behind on the planet, only to watch them die one-by-one? Why did we care about the massive amount of data that was transferred to Destiny, if they didn't really use it? What was the point of Ginn and Amanda's consciences being uploaded to the ship's computer if it didn't really serve a purpose (with the exception of almost trapping Rush in a virtual world)?

Speaking of Ginn, I cared more for her (even though she was only on the show a short time) than I did for Chloe throughout the two seasons. Chloe was somewhat interesting when she was part alien, but then that went away. Sure, she could calculate complex equations, but so could Rush and Eli. Chloe is a main character that should have been a secondary character. If she was left behind on a planet, I wouldn't care.

Here's my thoughts for the series overall:

  • It's a nice departure from the cookie cutter episodes of SG-1 and Atlantis.


  • Many of the characters were either miscast or somewhat unlikeable:

  • "Agent May" (I don't care enough to know her character's actual name on this show) was frustrating. I liked her in AGENTS of SHIELD, but I didn't care for her on this show.

  • I didn't like the medic lady at first, but she got better. The ALS plot point was useless, however. Also, her baby was another useless plot point.

  • I really didn't like Greer at first. He got better over time.

  • I liked the Colonel at first. (One of the few on the show). However, when he left Rush behind, my opinion dropped a few pegs for him. Even so, he's still one of the few characters that didn't constantly annoy me.

  • Most of the other people were background characters that I neither liked or disliked.

  • On SG-1 and Atlantis, most of the characters worked towards a common goal. On SG-U, everyone seems to have their own agenda. It's not a cohesive crew at all. Granted, I know circumstances with the story forced the crew to be that way, but it's exhausting watching the characters move in different directions (to their own detriment). Sure, they seemed to pull a rabbit out of a hat by the end of each episode, but too much conflict is way too much!

  • I didn't like some of the ways they used the transference stones. I liked that it's a clever way to explore some of the characters backstories. I disliked when the characters use the stones to meet loved ones and have sex. First, it's creepy for the person stuck on Earth to be making out with someone else's body. Second, the person who really "owns" the body is not giving his/her consent to the physical act, so it kind of like r@pe. They should have used the stones to "reasonably" interact with others on Earth or provide valuable information....but NO more!

To summarize - I would have liked the show much more if the main characters were more likable and if the journey really had a purpose. The ending was terrible.
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