I've had a change of heart.
2 September 2022
I started out disliking the show but it's grown on me. It's light and not serious. It's entertaining for what it is. Tatiana Maslany is great in the role.

I've not come anywhere close to the point of LOVING it. However, I have found myself looking forward to the next episode. That's gotta be worth something.

Yeah, the CGI is bad. That's true. It's very uneven. Sometimes it'll look OK. Other times it looks like rubber.

And I've noticed that they can't decide how tall She-Hulk is supposed to be or how muscular. At times she's clearly 7' tall but then others she's only a head above an average 5'3" woman in the background. Then sometimes she's normal toned only to have hulking biceps later.

That's a quality control and consistency issue. I try to ignore it because it's really not important to the story but the problem is there.

I'll keep watching for now, I suppose. So far it deserves half a score at 5 stars out of 10. It's not terribly extraordinary but not unwatchable either with some fun moments. Tatiana is carrying the whole show, that's for sure. She's a big part of what keeps me coming back.
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