Poor writing in a Marvel series...again
1 September 2022
SHE-HULK is currently three episodes into this first outing, and it's not looking good. It's another origin story, which we spend most of the first episode viewing in a flashback. After that, the show is almost entirely transitional with no strong plot.

Our hero, Jennifer Walters, only has the task of defending Emil Blonsky, AKA The Abomination, from a cell where he hopes for parole. That's it. There's no villain, and there are no consequences for Jenn should she fail to secure Emil's release. Wong visits as well, simply as a character witness to promote Emil's turn for the better. Wong doesn't even provide any pushback when Jenn asks him to show up to Emil's parole hearing. Boring.

The series as it stands shows a serious lack of writing technique in just about every department. The show sinks to cringe levels at times. Things also veer into rants about how terrible men are in general, which could be Jenn's character speaking, but it came off sounding more like intrusion from the writers.
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