Men in White (1934)
If Doctors Today Could Only Afford the Time to be that Empathetic!
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a classic melodrama and my headling "crack" is mainly directed at the Insurance Companies. My father was a doctor (back in the '50s-'60s) and would have lamented the restriction on his time that came into being not too long after he left his Practice. But I digress ... I was stumped by the "situation" between Gable and Ms. Allan, only to be glad to read that others were too. While yes, it was implied by her sitting on the bed and removing her cap that a little "hanky panky" was in their future, once the crisis hit, you had her buddy-the-nurse dressing down Gable, yet when Hersholt asks "who was the man (father of the unborn child)?" and the nurse demurs ... was she protecting Gable or was this the result of a previous transgression of Ms. Allan's? Remember, she wasn't feeling well - almost fainted - in the diabetic child's room.

Myrna Loy was so lovely, particularly in her early films ... although I thought if I heard her call the doctor "Hochey" one more time ... it just didn't work for her to have that kind of intimacy with someone of his prestige, particularly inside his place of work.

Mr. Hersholt went on to do a radio program "Dr. Christian" where you'd swear he was channeling his character in this film. And I've always loved his portrayal of the grandfather in "Heidi" (Shirley Temple).
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