How is this "at least 30 mins too long" film a sci-fi?
30 August 2022
Filmmakers (the writer and director) that only have short-film experience need to start becoming more mindful of what they put on a film's running time. Of the long and dragged out 98 min runtime, the entire first half should've been condensed to at most 20 mins. Ya we get it, father and son are survivalists, get on with the story. Typical rookie filmmakers mistakes.

And whoever decided to genre-label this a "sci-fi" needs to give their heads a shake. There's zero sci-fi in this film. For that matter, there's very little thrills even calling this a "thriller". Maybe 10 mins tops near the end where your heart rate may go up a few bpm. This is more of a mystery/drama film, that drags out a lot of filler, and underutilized any good substance there was in the story. Conceptually, the story is smart, but the execution was clumsy, drab, and muddled.

The performances were good and convincing, especially Silverstone. The cinematography was decent, as was the soundtrack - especially the last song by Baker Grace, but the score was your typical B film nonsense; loud, overbearing, constant and annoying. If you're patient, and maybe fast-forward most of the first half of the film, it does get better by the ending, and it'd be a good one-time watch if you have nothing better to see. It's a generous 6/10 from me for this non-thrilling non-sci-fi film.
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