The HSP Rollercoaster - my 2 cents
29 August 2022
As men, think about all those things (good and bad) that drive you crazy about women. Now, if you want to know what is like having an HSP girlfriend, imagine amplifying all those traits x10.

I've been 15 years with an HSP woman. I had the best and the worst moments in my life, every week was an emotional rollercoaster full of drama, circle discussions, reconciliations, reproaches, love and (unfortunately) hate. It was utterly exhausting and in the end, so emotionally taxing that made me unhappy and unable to enjoy a quiet and simple life.

She told me she was HSP but I never understood what that really meant until it was too late and I was totally addicted to her. She is a wonderful yet an impossible person to live with. Of course HSP supports groups always tell how amazing and wonderful is to have such deep feelings, but tbh, I don't think it's how the human are meant to be made. They are just too vulnerable to everything, and the scars they get from life are so deep, they never forget nor fully forgive, NEVER.

Just keep in mind and take this advice seriously. With an HSP person you will be signing for the greatest emotional rollercoaster of your life. It will be a very demanding relationship, and will probably leave the best & worst emotional scars of your personal life.
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