Review of Runners

Runners (1983)
29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Runners from 1983 would be such a different film if it was made today.

The world of social media and instant communication makes the film antiquated.

In that sense Runners stands as a period piece regarding missing young people.

Rachel Lindsay (Kate Hardie) suddenly disappears from her Midlands home one day. Her parents Tom Lindsay (James Fox) and Gillian Lindsay see her bike that was involved in an accident.

There is no trace of Rachel. It is dad Tom who is obsessed about finding her back.

After joining a missing kids support group. He finds a soulmate in Helen (Jane Asher) whose young son has also ran away.

Two years later Tom thinks he has caught a glimpse of Rachel.

Written by Stephen Poliakoff, he is still trying to find a footing in writing for the cinema. Runners was co-funded by the fledgling Film Four.

It does lack momentum and is caught between trying to be a feature film and instead looking like a dark gritty television movie.

Runners examines Tom's obsession in finding his daughter, his deteriorating relationship with his wife. The lost world of the parents who are left behind not knowing what happened to their loved ones.

There is a scene where Helen thinks that she has found her son, not realising that he would now be several years older. His last look being etched into her mind. That of a small kid.

When Tom does find his daughter, she does not want to return home. Leaving Tom even more frustrated and confused.

I think the reasons why Rachel ran away and not want to come back home needed to be explored more. She certainly did not seem to understand the hurt caused to her family left behind.
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