Omgosh so dumb
29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love this type of movie usually! Adding Indian ppl and NJ! I should love this, buuuut omg so dumb. I wanted To love Asha But her acting just felt false. And REALLY the big betrayal is my bf is a secret millionaire!!! That uses his money to generously give to charitable organizations!!!?? These romcoms are infamous for their stupid plots but this is next level. Who in their right mind would be UPSET at that reveal???? I'd be like HYPE, yes babe you're rich and famous and generous. Thankfully the friend breaks it down and yells at her-the one time romcom friend is sensible!

Also the family drama pressure was like really Asha you're whining bc your family loves you so much that they want you in a happy relationship. I mean yeah marriage pressure is a pain-but she just came across as a whiny baby. And she got mad at him lying!? When she lied to her whole family? It's just all dumb. And the whole B storyline with sisters wedding to white guy?? Like what were they trying to do?
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