Showtrial (2021–2024)
Absolutely no arc for a main character
28 August 2022
They've written Tallitha the teen as so uninterested or concerned about her trial it makes the viewer not care either. She has absolutely no arc. She starts out as an a-hole teen, continues being an a-hole teen and ends being an a-hole teen. I really hoped she'd end up in prison. Or get shivved.

I mean, honestly, at a certain point she's so sociopathic and unredeeming I began to root for her demise.

When things like this get made I wonder HOW? It's as if the writers have no real talent so they don't understand that characters need arcs for viewers to invest.

My tip: fast forward whenever she's in the scene. You don't miss anything valuable. And you avoid grinding your teeth thru the whole series.
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