"You will earn 200 dollars in the next hour. BUT you do have to do something illegal".
28 August 2022
Cant pay the bills? Here is a story about a woman who found a quick (but illegal) solution to all her money problems.

The good: This is a really solid and impressive directing AND writing debut, with a terrific leading role by Aubrey Plaza. It's true to life, bleak, gripping, suspenseful and dramatic. Excellent photography, editing, soundtrack, the works.

Any bad?

My only (minor) criticism would be that the VIOLENT character of Aubrey Plaza isnt 100% believable. Aubrey Plaza is a wonderfully gifted actress and she can play coldhearted characters well, but this time around she does not only play someone who turns to crime, she also turns to extreme violence. And I must say that Aubrey Plaza just does not come across to me as someone who has it in her to be extremely violent as a character.

Therefore the biggest problem I have with this movie is with the writing of the leading character of this story. But perhaps many folks wont mind this at all. And as far as the dialogues are concerned, they are excellently written.

More bad: the first half hour there is a great slow build up in tension and suspense, but halfway through, this story looses momentum and suspense. There is a small romantic part (15 minutes) in the middle, which feels a bit superfluous.

The final is thrilling and dramatic again though, so please do have the patience to watch this movie untill the end, because it is one of the better true to life movies I have seen recently.

Thank you for reading my 1700th review for Imdb! Enjoy the movies!
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