Samaritan (I) (2022)
Stallone is all heart, but the movie was lame
28 August 2022
I love Stallone. He's my hero really. And I love how he puts his heart and soul into any movie he commits to. The Samaritin is a decent movie, but with no hero/villian devopment at all it's hard to make the mental jump. There just isn't enough laid down in the back story for you to really care about any of the characters. It's not a bad movie idea, and plays into an older Stallone pretty well, but its just not excuted well at all.

Everything seemed rushed and unppaslable. The kid was okay, looked a bit like a young river Phenoix but without the acting chops.

The Villian was a Bane from "The dark Knight rises" wannabe.. This is an entertaining and decent film, with Sly giving great one line advice and good action scenes. But ultimately, it's nothing new and a bit awkward.

6 out of ten.
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