It's not unwatchable, it's just not good
26 August 2022
Look, all the people giving the show 1 star reviews, because of some comment about cat calling in the first episode, don't really get to the heart of the problem. Can we please just get one of the terrible Marvel shows with a straight white male lead, so we can shut up about people hating women or people with dark skin?

The show isn't funny, it's not exciting, it's not emotional, it doesn't seem to have a useful message, so what's left at that point. Are there so many people out there, that can watch a boring unfunny show, just because it so amazing to have a female feminist superhero on screen?

The 4th wall breaking seems completely out of place and isn't used for anything other than repetitive exposition, so it just comes off as cringy.

Tatiana Maslany is a great actress and she's not unlikable in this show, she just doesn't have much to work with. If the best the writers can come up with is a joke about her falling off a chair, then you could have put Meryl Streep in the lead an still not have anything to show for it.

Honestly Marvel, hand the TV shows back to the people who did the Netflix shows. Daredevil, The Punisher and Jessica Jones were very good for the most part, and you're shooting yourself in the foot if you continue to go down the path of the Disney era shows, almost all of which have been mediocre at best.
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