Gaslit (2022)
What Happened to Martha Was Worse.
25 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, this is a good mini-series that is reasonably accurate. The thing that bothered me was their depiction of E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordan Liddy and the others as incompetent boobs. These were evil people. Many of the players in Watergate are suspected of being involved in the assassination of JFK.

What was done to Martha Mitchell was horrible and ugly and they totally glossed over that she died of the same kind of mysterious, fast acting cancer that took Jack Ruby, Hugo Chavez and others who get on the wrong side of the CIA.

It's also interesting to note Steve King, the person who held Martha captive, was appointed Ambassador of the Czech Republic by Donald Trump. I guess that gives you an idea of who's still in charge.

The show was good. Sean Penn will probably win an Emmy and Julia Roberts did a very good job. However, Watergate and its aftermath wasn't a farce. It was a low point and black spot in our history and there wasn't much that was funny about it.
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