Light & Magic (2022)
Interesting, almost inspiring
24 August 2022
Surprisingly inspiring to watch the story of ILM and how it was connected to so many famous people (other than Lucas and Spielberg), movies, techniques, softwares and companies, such as Pixar, Steve Jobs, Photoshop, James Cameron and so forth.

Funny how the first generation ILM'ers seemed perhaps more likeable, "human", old-school, straight-forward while the new computer-animator-generation seemed a bit more "cocky nerd", efficient, I-am-very-intelligent kind of people but perhaps also with less intuition, emotions and artistic traits. Kind of reminds me of the difference between intuitive, visionary business people and the more robotic, efficient web developers. Everyone seemed like very kind, smart and talented people though.

Anyway, I thought this was gonna be a bit dull and technical, but it added a great deal of human aspect to it. Visual effects are important, but I love how Spielberg put it in the final episode: visual effects' role is to support the story, not be the story, or overshadow the story. If you forget that, then you're on the wrong path. Sounds like something Steve Jobs would say about the users' needs and that user experience is more important than coming up with some impressive technology in itself - tech is first and foremost there to support a great user experience.
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